How To Conserve Your Oil Cartridges!

Here at Sutra Vape, we absolutely love to chill on our cartridges and enjoy the convenience of ultra powerful oils no matter where we are.
With an unparalleled ability to let you vape discreetly, reliably, and quickly - it’s no shocker that cartridges have become one of today’s most vaping methods!
That’s why at Sutra Vape we decided to do a deep dive into how you can stretch the lifespan of your cartridges to get the absolute most out of these potent vape-ables and save yourself some money!
Stick To Cooler Temperature Settings
One of the most effective ways that you can conserve your cartridges is to avoid the higher voltage settings on your device and to sparingly engage with heavy duty hits like those from the 10s preheat functionalities.
When you use higher temperatures on your vaporizer battery, more oil is being vaporized with each press of the power button. This gives you a more “powerful” hit, as you are physically vaporizing more of the oily materials.
While this is great for intense hits, it can also lead to you running through your oil much quicker as each hit will end up taking more and more materials. By sticking to the lower voltages, like the 2.8v setting on the Silo Pro, you are going to be able to enjoy more hits per cartridge and more slowly consume your oil.
For preheating, this is essentially super charging the material usage in order to give you a hit that is monumentally more powerful. Just like higher temps, this is going to use more oil so avoid these if you are trying to conserve!

Pace Yourself
Continuing on with the themes of our previous thoughts, we wanted to point out that a great way to conserve your cartridges is to simply pace yourself and let your oils have a chance to settle before you continue on with your session.
The old adage goes: you can always have more, but you can’t have less. And that is 100% true with cartridge vaping as well. Trust us, we know what it's like when your eyes are bigger than your stomach with vaping and you go for those extra hits knowing full well you don’t need them.
It is in these instances that we recommend taking 30 minutes to allow yourself to see how your vaping experience is making you feel and then deciding if you would like more from there.
Even just the act of thinking about it will have you hitting less of your cartridge without you even knowing the difference. Before you know it, you will be using much less oil and find yourself enjoying your hits even more!
Leave Your Cartridges Up Right
When storing your cartridges, you always want to leave them upright to avoid the oil pooling over time and getting clogged within the air holes of the cartridge itself.
Luckily with vapes like our Auto Cartridge Vaporizer, the bases are completely free standing which makes leaving them up right over night no problem.
For vaporizers without a base like the Squeeze, we recommend removing your cartridge and storing it in the container that it came in, these bases are often flat and allow for your cartridge to stay upright during down times.

Store In The Correct Temperature
To get the most out of your cartridges, you are going to avoid storing them near both the extremely hot and the extremely cold.
If you end up leaving your cart in the heat, oils within the cartridge itself can evaporate and the materials that add potency will begin to degrade. This means that your hits will literally be less powerful, thus forcing you to take more hits and use more oil.
For the extreme cold, this can cause the moisture in your cartridge to expand and crack the glass encasing it. In this case you lose 100% of your oil, so make sure to avoid any and all frigid temperature when you put your pen down for the night.
That’s why it is so important to keep your cartridges around room temperature if you want to stretch your oils as far as possible. It will literally help keep your oils from disappearing right from under your nose!
Use The Cartridge Until Its Empty
Lastly, we wanted to point out that your cartridge is still good to use even if it is low on oil! We know that once you get 90% of the way through a cart, the first thought is to grab your next fresh one and proceed to leave the other to gather dust.
But this thinking leaves a full 10% of your oil on the table! All you have to do is get in the habit of finishing your cartridges completely and you will notice that you end up buying less cartridges over time!

Conserve Your Cartridges Now!
Now take a hit because you’ve earned it! Cartridge vaporizing is an absolute blast and now that you have the knowledge needed to get the most out of your oils it is smooth vaping from here on out!
Make sure to check out the rest of our vape hacks, product breakdowns, and insights right here at the Sutra Vaporizer Blog! Have a great rest of your October and stay vaping!